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:: The establishment history ::

  Since the Introduction of fuzzy theory by Professor Lotfi Zadeh, Iranian professor of Berkley university , in 1965 this theory has faced a significant global development. Some of these improvements are as following: the entry of fuzzy theory in many fields of science and engineering, holding dozens of international conferences on fuzzy theory topics, publishing hundreds of scientific articles in scientific magazines, applying the theory in industry and constructing variety of equipments utilizing the logic of fuzzy theory.

  Considering the constant growth of the theory and increasing public interest, scientific circles of countries all over the globe, are attracted to founding the related associations. As a result, dozens of scientific societies and working groups based on fuzzy theory have been established all over the world.

  International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) can be mentioned as one of the related societies which is active worldwide and every two years holds the International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Meanwhile, the journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems is published by IFSA.

  In our country too, over the past two decades the fuzzy theory has gradually gained the interest of scientific society and now is welcome by it in a variety of branches such as fuzzy logic, fuzzy mathematics, fuzzy statistics, fuzzy optimization, fuzzy control and research and educational activities have increased in other related fields and many national and international conferences on fuzzy theory have been held in universities and research centers including two conferences on the theory of fuzzy sets held in Shahid Bahonar university in kerman, an international conference in research center of theoretical physics and mathematics, another international conference in Tabriz university, the third conference on fuzzy theory in Sistan Balouchestan university, the forth conference on fuzzy systems in Mazandaran, and the fifth conference in Imam Hussein university. The above- mentioned trend shows that through a period of time the number of conference participants and related papers has increased significantly. Hence to provide coherence for the activities of researchers and to have a constant growth of the fuzzy theory the need to have a fuzzy systems society has always been observed and emphasized.


  In 2002, the fuzzy systems society was approved as a subcategory of statistics association of Iran which played a key role in formation of fuzzy systems society. We deeply appreciate the support and protection provided by the statistics association and due to the initiative taken, statistics association is considered as a mother society giving birth to other new societies and it is set as a role model.

  In September 2002, in the forth conference of Iran fuzzy systems in Mazandaran university, the establishment of a fuzzy systems association was seriously considered and the members of the foundation board of Iranian fuzzy systems society started working, the related board includes: Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi, Dr.Mashaa…Mashinchi, Dr. Karolox, Dr. Esfandiar Eslamee, Dr. NaserReza arghamee,Dr.Reza Ameree , Dr. RajabAli Borzouee, Dr. Azizollahe memariyanee, Dr. Amir Daaneshgar, Dr. Naser Sadatee, Dr. Siraje Al-din Katebee and Ale Vahidian Kamyad .

  Dr. Reza Ameree has been elected by the above-mentioned board as the representative of the board to go through the establishment and registration procedures. The foundation board approved the constitution of the Iranian fuzzy systems society including 6 chapters, 25 articles, 55 clauses and 13 notes and the representative of the board officially submitted the request letter of the establishment of the Iran fuzzy systems society to the Commission of scientific society of the country dated20/1/2004 . The foundation of the Iran fuzzy systems society was approved in the thirty third session of the commission dated 17/10/2004. After the approval of the society based on the regulations and constitution of the scientific societies commission, the general assembly of the society convened a meeting, dated26/5/2005 with the presence of Ministry of Science representative, to approve the constitution and to elect the board of directors of the society. In the mentioned meeting after the approval of the constitution the members of the board of directors were elected as the following: Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi, Dr.Masha allah Mashinchi, Dr. Karolox,Dr.Reza Ameree , Dr. RajabAli Borzouee, Dr. Azizollahe memariyanee, Dr. Amir Daaneshgar. Meanwhile Dr. NaserReza arghamee and Ale Vahidian Kamyad were appointed as alternative members and Dr. Esmaeel Yazdanee was chosen as the inspector. The first meeting of the Iranian fuzzy systems society was held dated 7/6/2006 in which the members appointed Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi as the president, Dr.Aziz allah Memariyanee as the vice president and Dr. Reza Ameree as the treasurer.

  Dated 9/8/2005, the board of directors managed to register the Iranian fuzzy systems society in the registration office of non-commercial companies and institutes.

  Since then the board of directors has held several regular meetings to activate the association and fulfill the related responsibilities. Here are the actions taken so far:

  1- Performing the necessary correspondence with the Ministry of Science to obtain funds and required facilities.

  2- Activating the Secretariat.

  3- Designing the logo and letterhead.

  4- Determining the association representative in universities and institutes and performing the recruitment.

  5- Opening the special account of the association.

  6- Providing the necessary backgrounds to hold the Sixth Conference of Iran Fuzzy Systems and the First Fuzzy Systems Conference of the Muslim World, hosted by Islamic Azad university of Shiraz.

  7- Printing and publishing of the Journal of Fuzzy Systems with the assistance of the Sistan and Baluchestan University.

  8- Linking with other scientific associations and institutions.

  9- Planning the future activities of the society.

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انجمن سیستم‌های فازی ایران IRANIAN FUZZY SYSTEMS SOCIETY
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